Qatar World Cup, A Big Test For Rights Activists 

The Qatar World Cup is a big test for rights activists from all walks of life and they are not winning the battles with the calls for boycott of the competition or boycott of the country itself.

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A massive campaign a month ago did not pull enough strings and power to get World Cup qualifying nations to either boycott the country, Qatar, or simply boycott the World Cup by not sending their national teams to compete in the global sports competition.

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Many of the activists probably thought there would be a massive impact against Qatar when they ‘expose’ and press on in the media or to their government on the country’s alleged crimes against foreign workers.

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After the focus on the workers and their fate in Qatar, then came the pressing questions over the LGBT rights.

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But since Qatar is a strict Musim nation where gay rights are not recognised and expressing such desires could lead one to jail or face death penalty, the question is now whether the LGBT fans can raise the Pride flag in the stadiums in Qatar.

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After a lot of fake news that floated in little known news websites and on social media, it is still uncertain whether the LGBTs can raise the flag during matches.

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Nevertheless, there is a warning signal. Such fans could targeted by anti-LGBT groups. Thus, some are advising that it is better not to wave these flags at all.